As we welcome the new, we usher a new dawn. 2023 ushers in the launch of the Disability Chamber in South Africa. The new year ushers in a fierce and fresh movement which is advocating for the inclusion, equality, and diversity both in business and labour. As Persons with disabilities, we are making our voices heard and strengthening the call to eradicate economic exclusion of PWD.
The Notukela Foundation Institute (NFI) partnered with the Informal Economy Development Forum (IEDF) and Universal Accessibility Hub for Disability Inclusivity during the Disability Awareness Month from 03 November – 03 December. The IEDF hosted a Disability Inclusivity webinar to encourage and foster a dialogue between the government, and businesses owned by disabled entrepreneurs who remain largely marginalised. The panellists for the webinar included the President of the IEDF, Comrade Rosheda Muller, Faiez Jacobs Chief Whip of the Department of Small Businesses, NFI Founder and CEO, Notukela Makohliso, CEO of Universal Accessibility Hub, Shama Nathoo and CEO of Mills Accessibility Trading, Msekeli Gcabo hosted by National Manager of Business Development of the IEDF, Rochelle Pillay.
In commemoration of the International Disability Day on 03 December 2022, the NFI hosted the Bloom Confidently Business Seminar for differently abled entrepreneurs with disabilities in partnership with the Informal Economy Development Forum (IEDF), and the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA). The business seminar equipped disabled entrepreneurs with the information they need to run successful businesses both the informal and formal businesses.
A big thank you goes out to the Cape Town Christian Church which sponsored the sound equipment and sound engineers for the Bloom Confidently Business Seminar. A special mention goes out to Bishop Ntsiki Maposa for his generosity.
Jude’s Rhyming Coffee Grind took care of the participants, as he served them coffee with a cause; truly embodied the ‘nothing about us, without us’ slogan. The young artist, creative, and budding entrepreneur has epilepsy and dysexecutive syndrome. His disability did not stop him from reaching for his dream and starting his own coffee brand, the Rhyming Coffee Grind. We salute you, Champ.
‘Nothing about us without us’ will be realised in 2023 as the disability community stands up to fight for disability rights, demands socio-economic inclusion, support, and accommodation in business as well as the workplace. The Disability Chamber is championing programmes that are restoring dignity in the lives of persons with disabilities.