IEDF launches its Enterprise and Supplier Development Program within the Informal Economy in partnership with Cell C

The Informal Economy Development Forum (IEDF) has yet again broken new ground as it lunges forward with exciting new and innovative programs designed specifically to benefit South Africa’s most marginalized workforce, being the informal economy. 
With each passing day we are made aware of their challenges and concerns, and it is precisely because we have our antennas up and our ears to the ground, that we are able to assess what needs to be done to alleviate our constituency’s challenges and concerns.  Our ongoing research has culminated in the design of remedial programs and campaigns which we believe will effectively stimulate and ultimately reverse the fortunes of vulnerable informal economy workers.


Today, 12 September, IEDF launches the first ever Enterprise and Supplier Development Program (ESDP) directed at the Informal Economy across South Africa, together with Government and Private sector partners.  The mission being – Getting the South African informal economy, Funding ready.

The Informal Economy Development Forum (IEDF) is the leading organisation for the informal economy in South Africa and cumulatively represents over 6 million informal workers and business owners, across various sectors in the country.

As part of the strategy, the IEDF has partnered with Cell C, to bring innovative technology and telecommunications solutions to the Informal Economy, which will advance the transformation of informal business and workers towards being self-sustaining and funding ready entrepreneurs, which in turn will stimulate job creation in the informal economy. 

The Enterprise and Supplier Development Program (ESDP), kicks off on Monday, 12 September in Atlantis, Western Cape, and will continue for the next 12 months reaching over 300 municipalities across South Africa, with the aim of getting a minimum of 50’000 informal businesses funded within this period.

“Our aim is to direct over R2,5 billion rand into the informal economy, through our funding and investment partners, over the next 12 months, and we are confident that this will be achieved.” Says IEDF Chairperson, David Venter.

The ESDP national roadshow includes the launch and downloading of the IEDF mobile application, which will connect the informal economy onto a central communications platform. “It is crucial for every informal economy worker in South Africa to download the IEDF app, as this will allow us to get the necessary funding applications, and provide professional support to our constituency.” Says IEDF President, Rosheda Muller.

The IEDF mobile application is now available on Google Playstore and Appstore.  

Last week, a workshop was held in Athlone with over 25 Informal Association leaders, to discuss and lend their thoughts to the ESD program and launch plan. The program was well received, and unanimous support garnered. The program rollout, which starts in Atlantis, will thereafter visit, and engage with informal business owners and workers across South Africa .


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